Author: Superstitions



Seeing a single crow is very unlucky. Two crows mean good luck! Three  means health, Four means wealth, Five is sickness & Six mean death! If you see three black crows together that means...



If you break a double strawberry in half and share it with someone, you will fall in love with each other. The Swedish have used this idea for centuries: rub a cut strawberry on...



To tell the time, blow three times at the seed head of a dandelion. The number of seeds left is the hour. To find out how long you will live, blow the seeds off...


Splitting The Pole Superstition

When it comes to peculiar beliefs, “splitting the pole” or “don’t split the pole” stands out. This superstition suggests that if you’re walking with someone and encounter an obstacle like a pole or a...



Dreams at night are a devil’s delight, Dreams in the morning, heed the angels’ warning. If you have the same dream three times in a row, its bound to come true. To dream of...

superstitions and beliefs about angels 0


Every time a bell rings, an Angel gets its’ wings. When an Angel misses you, she/he tosses a penny down, and is letting you know that she/he is watching over you.


Same Name

In Turkey it’s believed that if you stand between two people whose names are the same, you should wish for something because your wish will come true. Reference



In Taiwan, the color red means luck and happiness. For example, during the Chinese New Year period, we decorate everything in our house, using the red color. And, at a wedding, we also wear...

Saint Antonio 0

Saint Antonio

In Mexico, many women think that if they want to find a boyfriend, they must buy a stamp or statue of San Antonio. After they buy the stamp or statue, they need to put...



In Korea, on the day when you have a big test, you are not supposed to wash your hair. People believe when they wash their hair, their memories are cleaned by the water. Consequently,...