Tagged: death



Seeing a single crow is very unlucky. Two crows mean good luck! Three  means health, Four means wealth, Five is sickness & Six mean death! If you see three black crows together that means...



To tell the time, blow three times at the seed head of a dandelion. The number of seeds left is the hour. To find out how long you will live, blow the seeds off...

Umbrella 0


It is unlucky to: It’s bad luck to open an umbrella indoors. Give or be given an umbrella Leave your umbrella at home Put an umbrella on the table Have a black umbrella on...



All windows should be opened at the moment of death so that the soul can leave. Keep your bedroom windows shut on November first. In Spain, people always keep their bedroom windows shut on...

Flowers 0


Ukrainian: Never buy an even number of flowers for someone unless it’s for their funeral.

Wren 0


A dead wren in your pocket will keep you safe at sea.



Bringing an ax into the home brings death. It’s bad luck to dream about an axe. Having cattle step over an axe when taken out of the pasture for the first time in spring...

Ashes 0


See also FIRE In the home: Scattering ashes over the roof of a house protects it against thunder and lightning. Sweeping out ashes on Christmas is bad luck. Sweeping out ashes on a Friday...

Donkeys 0


It’s good luck to see a donkey. When a pregnant woman sees a donkey, her child will grow up well behaved and wise. It’s good luck to find a dead donkey. (?!) A donkey...