Author: Superstitions

Crocodiles 0


Crocodiles “weep” tears when they have eaten all but the head of their victim; these tears turn to jewels to lure further human prey. Cures: Crocodile blood cures eye problems and snakebites. Fried crocodile...

Crabs 0


Placing crab eyes on the back of your neck relieves swollen eyes.

Candle 0


If a candle lighted as part of a ceremony blows out, it is a sign that evil spirits are nearby. Also, see birthday cake.



If you say good-bye to a friend on a bridge, you will never see each other again. You must hold the top of your head while crossing a bridge to keep the bridge from...



If a robin flies into a room through a window, death will shortly follow.



The sound of bells drives away demons because they’re afraid of the loud noise. When a bell rings, a new angel has received his wings. A bell ringing for no reason is an ill...

Bed and Sleeping 0

Bed and Sleeping

Turning a feather bed on a Sunday gives the people who use it bad dreams for a week. Feather beds make it difficult for a dying person to die. Marriage If you make a...

Cattle, Cows and Oxen 0

Cattle, Cows and Oxen

Scattering primroses on the ground and hanging a piece of mountain ash or rowan to the door protects cattle from witches. Tarring cows behind the ears and at the root of the tail prevents...

Boars 0


The devil may take the form of a boar during the meetings of covens.

Beavers 0


If you see a beaver storing food logs, short lengths of aspen or birch with the bark still on, there will be an icy winter.